![Bill Harris - Senior Attorney](images/Bill.jpg)
William A. Harris (Bill) was born in Bell County, Texas in 1951 and has lived his entire life in Bell Country, Texas. He graduated from Killeen High School in 1969.
- Baylor School of Law (J.D. 1974)
- Baylor University - (M.S. 1973)
- Baylor University - (B.A. 1972)
- Admitted to Practice, Texas (1974)
- 34 years experience in civil litigation, social security law, and torts
- Admitted to Practice in Federal Court (1976)
- Board of Directors for Texas Trial Lawyers for approximately 10 years
![Lane Heginbotham](images/Lane.jpg)
Lane A. Heginbotham was born in San Antonio, Texas in 1969 and has lived in Bell County, Texas since 1978. He graduated from Ellison High School in 1988.
- Texas Wesleyan School of Law (J.D. 1997)
- University of Mary Hardin Baylor - (B.A. 1993)
- Texas Wesleyan Law Review
- Graduated Magna Cum Laude
- Admitted to Practice, Texas (1997)
- Admitted to Practic in Federal Court (1997)
- Primary practice in civil litigation, family law, and criminal law
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